..The Road To Success Is Always Under Construstion..

Saturday, May 1, 2010


bila? kenapa? macam mana?
orang selalu terpikir pasal ni
and aku,
aku rasa sekarang ni aku selau pikir pasal

bila aku nak start study ek?
since AS da sangat dekat
aku selalu terpikir
bila la aku nak study
bila? bila? bila?
persoalan tu sebenarnya selalu abis kat dalam otak je
tiada tindakan selanjutnya dijalankan.
and i admit,
it's really disappointing.
i kept on disappointing myself
i acknowledge it
but then.........

bila aku nak abes belajar?
seriously and honestly,
takkan la takde siapa pon tak pernah terpikir pasal ni
dari umur 5 tahun aku dah start jd pelajar
sekarang aku da 19,
still belajar...
bila la aku nak abes belajar?

bila la aku boleh pegang duit sendiri?
duit duit duit duit duit duit duit
you can go crazy if u keep on thinking about this punk
duit duit duit duit duit duit duit duit
bila la tu ek?

bila aku nak kawin n ada family sendiri?
jaga diri sendiri pon xboleh
ni nak jaga orang?
suami? anak2?
i know about that
one day, somehow
i'll get married n have a family
and i know there's someone waiting for me
that's why i'm not worried about this matter

and the biggest question is

bila la nak get rid of FB??
siapa la yang introduce fb kat aku ni?
even now aku da xle nak access cafe world n farm ville
tp aku still melekat ngan fb
even tak ade mende nak  buat
just keep staring on the updates can make my day

the thing is,
stop asking when
cause it shows that u're not happy with your live now
that u cannot wait to get rid of it
live life to the fullest
even though it's killing u
just keep thinking positive,
a positive change will approach you
sooner or later



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