..The Road To Success Is Always Under Construstion..

Saturday, May 1, 2010


bila? kenapa? macam mana?
orang selalu terpikir pasal ni
and aku,
aku rasa sekarang ni aku selau pikir pasal

bila aku nak start study ek?
since AS da sangat dekat
aku selalu terpikir
bila la aku nak study
bila? bila? bila?
persoalan tu sebenarnya selalu abis kat dalam otak je
tiada tindakan selanjutnya dijalankan.
and i admit,
it's really disappointing.
i kept on disappointing myself
i acknowledge it
but then.........

bila aku nak abes belajar?
seriously and honestly,
takkan la takde siapa pon tak pernah terpikir pasal ni
dari umur 5 tahun aku dah start jd pelajar
sekarang aku da 19,
still belajar...
bila la aku nak abes belajar?

bila la aku boleh pegang duit sendiri?
duit duit duit duit duit duit duit
you can go crazy if u keep on thinking about this punk
duit duit duit duit duit duit duit duit
bila la tu ek?

bila aku nak kawin n ada family sendiri?
jaga diri sendiri pon xboleh
ni nak jaga orang?
suami? anak2?
i know about that
one day, somehow
i'll get married n have a family
and i know there's someone waiting for me
that's why i'm not worried about this matter

and the biggest question is

bila la nak get rid of FB??
siapa la yang introduce fb kat aku ni?
even now aku da xle nak access cafe world n farm ville
tp aku still melekat ngan fb
even tak ade mende nak  buat
just keep staring on the updates can make my day

the thing is,
stop asking when
cause it shows that u're not happy with your live now
that u cannot wait to get rid of it
live life to the fullest
even though it's killing u
just keep thinking positive,
a positive change will approach you
sooner or later


Tuesday, January 5, 2010

..back to where i belong to..

5hb dec 2009 till 5 jan 2010
sekejap je da abes
aku xsempat nak rase cuti pon
malang gle aa cuti sem aku kali ni
paling x best di dunia

so arini
5 jan 2010
tahun baru
semester baru
azam baru???
aku tak ada azam la tahun ni
just let it happen jela
yg penting
this year aku ade AS and A2
so kne la focus sket
focus banyakla sebenarnye

so klas td
FULL dari pagi sampai petang
semua subject ade
ni islamic studies x start lg
kalau x
klas aku dari 830 am till 5pm

pape pon
idup kne teruskan gak
sok aku nak gi bli barang kat pyramid
klu xde org nak ikut aku pon aku gi gak


Friday, November 13, 2009

..the truth that i cannot hide anymore..

sometimes when we tried very hard not to make things worst between two people
the other party just sit down and watch and does not put any effort on it
even worse if the other party is acting opposing your initiative
why must it be like that
making us feel like what we've tried for so long doesnt worth trying

tried so hard not to think negatively
tried so hard not to get sad
and tried extra hard not to get disappointed
coz you know,
once you're disappointed
things will never work out the way we wanted it to be,
the way it was supposed to be

but i know
i'll think of some negative thoughts
i'll fell a lil sad
and i cant help myself not to get disappointed
coz i know
i'm a girl
that explained everything

will this be as i always wanted it to be?
will it be as what i always dreamed of?
will it be the way it was supposed to be?

from now on
i'll just let it be the way it can be
i'll just wait and see what will happen
maybe this could be the end
maybe this is just an obstacle in life
maybe it is just a dream
if it is,
please help me to wake up from this long dream
please help me to not to put any more hope in it
coz i cant afford to get hurt again
coz if i do,
this will be the worst.


Wednesday, November 11, 2009

..memori untuk dikenang..

Novermber 7 2009 - KYS Speech Day

excited giler nak gi amek sijil for spm

tapi excited lagi nak jumpe kawan2, juniors n teacher kat kys

after da lame apart

so aku pon bertolak la gi melaka mlm before tu

bermalam kat umah 'wan' cousin aku kat tampin

sampai2 je penat giler

after salam2 diorang terus tukar baju and boom!

tidur...tak kesah aa ape orang nak cakap

yang penting aku penat n kena bangun awal the next day

the next day nye

bangun awal la gak

aku siap2

pakai baju kurung biru

bajet nak pakai selendang biru which was the perfect match for my baju kurung

pastu diorang komen cakap tak elok pakai selendang

terus tak jadi

so ended up pakai tudung putih je

tak glamor langsung

so off to KYS yang terletak kat ayer keroh

jauh gak aa

sampai2 je

jumpe junior2


lame tak jumpe diorg

lame tak tengok KYS

da banyak berubah

ngan roundabout yang besar giler kat depan main gate tu

pastu start la ceremony

nyanyi lagu KYS after sekian lame tak nyanyi

terasa lawak pon ade

aku plak terlupa part nak angkat tangan kat mane

pas ceremony aku bajet nak jumpe la juniors aku

but ended up jumpe yana sorang je

sebab yang laen ntah ilang gi mne

farah suhaila plak kena balik awal

haih...agak tak berbaloi balik KYS tak jumpe diorg

..balik Tampin..

balik tampin...tak lame tu kuar plak gi pekan tampin

wan nak shopping barang dapur and dedak ayam

and wan tiba2 gi beli tilam dua ketul

balik je umah

aunty J sampai ngan kak sarah

lepak2 jap kat dapur umah

den diorg ajak lepak bandar melaka malam tuh

terus siap plak nak kuar gi bandar melaka

first time la aku lepak2 kat tepi sungai melaka malam2

bajet nak naek cruise tu

tapi tak tau asak tak jadi

pastu pergi pasar malam kat situ


aku ngan makcik saje tak bawak duit

to prevent diri kitorang daripada berbelanja

and surprisingly, aku pancit

sebab jonker walk tu panjang sangat

nak balik tu ikut jalan mane ntah

jauh giler jalan

da la aku pakai heels.

memang terbaek aa

sampai umah kul 1230


 balik terus tido mampos

esoknye bile sampai je kat college

terpaksa struggle wat homeworks yang banyak gile!


Thursday, November 5, 2009

..unsuccessful budget plan..

outflows > inflows

--> BOP disequilibrium , BOP DEFICIT

victim : unnamed
inflows : RM2300
outflows : RM3000

needs vs wants
obviously WANTS will win
definitely..most of the time

emm...wants will turn into needs in the long run
we spend money this time,
we wont be spending for the same thing in the future
or maybe not
spend now, and also spend later

walking passed Elle, Armani, Nichii
you can help yourself to look through the display windows
n you can help not to walk in the stores
i mean, yeah
you cant just LOOK, rite?
to just LOOK at it and to TOUCH it are two big different things
to TOUCH it and NOT TO BUY it is something to regret
--> deep depression

buy 1 free 1
2nd item for 1/2 price
10% off
20% off
50% off
70% OFF!!!!!!!
rugi kan kalau x beli?
i mean, bila lg nak dpt mende yg mahal dgn harga murah?
can you stand not buying cut off price item?
it would be a great loss
not buying them
--> deep depression

think about it...
